Sustainable SF6 gas handling

White Papers:

SF6 Nameplate Inaccuracies and their Impact on Greenhouse Gas Reporting

The consequences of incorrect nameplates on greenhouse gas reporting in the US are described in detail in the Whitepaper "SF6 Nameplate Inaccuracies and their Impact on Greenhouse Gas Reporting":

PDF document / White Paper

Zero Emissions through State-of-the-Art SF6 Gas Handling

You will find detailed information on "Zero Emissions through State-of-the-Art SF6 Gas Handling" in our White Paper:

PDF document / White Paper

Alternative Options: Reconditioned & Recycled Versus Virgin SF6 Gas

The whitepaper "Alternative Options: Reconditioned & Recycled Versus Virgin SF6 Gas" demonstrates the environmental benefits of using reconditioned SF6 gas instead of virgin gas.  

PDF document / White Paper